Bad-Domain – The domain email address is incorrect, i.e., what is after the "at" symbol (@).
Bad Mailbox – The email box is invalid.
DNS – Do Not Send. The client is on the no send list - The Do Not Send list is a list compiled under your account for whenever a recipient clicks on the unsubscribe button. This in turn puts that specific email address on the DNS list.
Other – The messaging service SMTP connected with the recipient's SMTP however, the connection was made for 5 minutes without a confirmation.
Policy Related – The email passed through the spam filter but was stopped by the recipient's email box settings.
Content Related – The email was blocked due to some of the content in the body of the email.
Relaying Issues – The messaging service SMTP service had trouble connecting to the recipients SMTP service
Routing Errors – The messaging service SMTP service made the connection to the recipients SMTP service but the email packet was unable to be delivered correctly to the mailbox
Spam Related – The email was blocked by the recipients SMTP’s spam filter.
Bad Configuration - The messaging service SMTP service made the connection to the recipients SMTP service but the email packet could not be delivered correctly to the mailbox
Bad connection - The messaging service SMTP service made the connection to the recipients SMTP service but the email packet was dropped due to a poor connection
Domain DNS - The entire domain has been added to your DNS list or is on the globally blocked domain DNS list.
Inactive mailbox - Client's SMTP Server has answered and told the messaging service email server that the email is no longer active.
Message expired – The messaging service SMTP service connected with the recipient's SMTP service and there was sending for 5 minutes and the recipient's SMTP service closed its connection due to inactivity.
No answer From host – After the system default number of attempts and after client specified resends, the recipient's SMTP service did not answer the messaging service SMTP service.
Quota-Issues - The Client's email box has a size limit set and they have received too many emails in the box and cannot receive more emails.
Hard Bounces are:
Inactive Mailbox
Domain DNS
Soft Bounces are:
Quota Issues
Bad Connection
Routing Errors
No answer from host
Bad Configuration
Content Related Relaying-Issues
Message expired
Spam Related
Bad Connection Spam-Related
Bad Configuration