PIMSY simplifies the process of applying digital signatures with the use of signature pads, specifically the Topaz model # T-S460-HSB-R. This feature streamlines document management, making your workflow more efficient. Contact Support for assistance selecting and/or obtaining a signature device for your office.
Set Up Users:
Go to Administration > User Management > User Personnel Folder
To save a signature in a user’s personnel folder, select a user and go to the Documents tab. Click on the Quick Signature button on the bottom right. Click Start and have them sign their name on the device. Click Done and Save. The signature can now be inserted on all of the user’s report forms, notes and other documents.
Add a Signature to Documents:
One method for adding a signature is from the My Sal Calendar. Go to the My Sal Calendar and open an existing appointment. Click on the brown leaf button (bottom right) to access Reports (NOTE: the leaf button always indicates reports). Select one of PIMSY’s built in forms. Click on the Preview Report button. Review the report with the client and click the Sign link at the top of the window.
Select the users who may need the information and click Start. Sign and click Done and Save. The report with a signature is now attached to the user’s chart under Documents. Select the form required.
Surveys tab:
Another method for adding a signature is from the Surveys tab in the client’s chart. The client should take the survey and click the Sign link under Client Sign Off.
The client should sign the device and click Done. If required, the parent or guardian should also sign the device under Other Sign Off and follow the same instructions (Start > Done).
When QP Sign Off is checked Yes, the saved user signature will also be added to the survey. You can also print a report of the survey that includes the signatures.
Assessment Notes:
Go to the client’s chart > Notes > New Assessment Note or open an existing note. Follow the instructions above for surveys to add signatures to a note.
Use Case:
One of the therapists at the ABC Therapeutic Group is rarely in the main office, working mostly in the field. In order to sign off on his electronic paperwork, the staff has the therapist digitally sign in the main office. The signature is saved in his personnel file and can be used to quickly and efficiently sign documents without physical contact.
Related Articles:
- Digital Signatures (without ePad)
- Digital Signature Pad Drivers
- Pick List Management
- User Management
- Client Management
- Assessment Notes
If you cannot find what you need in this article, please contact Support (email) or call 877.334.8512 ext. 3.