The client management area is where you create/edit a client profile, view a client’s appointments in the calendar, take payments, and more. This area is for creating and managing client accounts in PIMSY.
Client Calendar - opens the calendar pre-filtered for this client
Client Sched - allows you to quickly pull up all the client's past and future appointments in grid format. This allows you to quickly view when the client last came or when the client is scheduled to come again using the filter option
Take Payments - allows you to make payment on the client’s account
Statement - takes you to the statement screen, pre-filtered for this client
eRX Register - sets up the client with Digital Rx. If the button is green, it is ready to register the client
Quick Note - allows you to quickly create a new note or view the last note done.
Client Report - generates a printable report for this client
Envelope - quickly send a message to the client via the PIMSY Portal.
Red Leaf - generates printable reports for the client such as consent forms, HIPAA forms, schedules, etc. The red leaf is always for reports.
Messaging - allows users to quickly send texts and emails to the client.
Credit Cards – is for storing client credit cards. PIMSY protects these numbers in the “Vault,” a secure area in the system. Access to the Vault can be managed in User Profiles.
Bed Assignment - manages bed occupancy in an inpatient facility.
Convert to Waitlist – move a client to the waitlist.
Take a Photo - allows users to take a picture of a client for their profile.
Client Details
Add details such as some demographics, contact info, assigned clinicians, therapy locations, etc.
The Q&A at the bottom of the Demo tab is set up thru the Pick List under Administration Management. The Gender field must be filled in before billable, non self-pay notes can be released.
The legal name is the client’s name that is attached to the insurance company (shows on the insurance card) if different than the name used to set up the client’s chart. Example: Mary Sue Rogers may go by Sue Rogers, but her legal name of Mary Rogers may be needed in order to bill her insurance company. There is also a Notes section for free text writing which is often used to track eligibility information.
You can enter up to three insurance policies/payers on each patient.
By default, any unpaid charges will show on the client’s statement. However, there is a way to exclude clients from statements. Click on the Billing Details button and check the Yes box under Exclude this Client From Statement.
Here is where the practice can store/track emergency contact, legal guardian, responsible party, and/or referring provider. The lower portion is the Disclosures List. This is where all the Release of Information (ROI) as well as Breach of Information is kept in order to comply with HIPAA regulations.
In the contact create/edit window, there are fields for Relationship, Addresses, Notes, Q&A and more.
Checklist/ Comments / Requests:
This is where the chart deficiency information is entered and tracked. There are three tabs: Check List, Comment, Request. Use these areas as needed for this client.
Allergies and miscellaneous medication notes go in the upper section. The Medication List is for the offices with E-prescribing. It will keep track of all the medications prescribed for this client.,
The Medical Details/Assessment History button is additional medical-related information for the use of the prescribers.
Medical Details/Assessment History is additional medical-related information for the use of prescribers.
Medical providers can incorporate lab results, generate CCDA docs, track immunizations records, vital signs, and various other medical-related information about the client.
Most of these tabs are self-explanatory so go through them to know what information is tracked and recorded.
This section is also accessible from within the Notes area.
On the Lab Results tab, there can be multiple lab results Retrieved and parsed at one time.
Back to the Client Chart:
This is where all diagnoses should go for your patients. There should always be a Primary Diagnosis marked. You can have one primary diagnosis for each division or diagnosis type combination. Divisions are usually different programs, therapy types, etc. Diagnosis is also available on the main chart menu.
Treatment Plan:
Here is where the treatment plan & goals for each patient/client. These can updated or changed as needed.
This is also where the Wiley Practice Data can be used. data in this feature. When it opens, there are a lot of Goals you can select to import into the client’s chart. More information on the Wiley Practice Data is available in Course 6.
Track client insurance renewals.
Authorization is the pre-determined permission to bill a specific service to a specific payer. In PIMSY, we have taken that definition and expanded upon it. In order to write a note, you must have an authorization (auth) in order to use that code on the selected client. This can either be a real authorization from a payer source or a placeholder auth assigned by support/admin staff. Either way, permission to document on a code (service) must be assigned.
This is where Progress Notes and Assessment Notes are completed and viewed later. All notes attached to a client are viewed from the Notes tab.
The documents section of the client’s chart houses the uploaded files relevant to the client. Signature pages (if a signature pad is utilized for using ePads), guardianship documents, insurance cards, artwork, letters, etc. The procedure for uploading documents into the client’s chart is the same as for Company Documents and User Documents. The Documents area has Tree and Classic views.
MS Word documents are editable from within PIMSY without downloading, saving, and uploading changes. Some documents will be set to Read Only and cannot be edited. To allow a document to be edited, you must:
- Go to Pick List Management > Document Types
- Create a new document type or select an existing
- See the far right column name "If Word Doc Allow Editing." Check this box if you want all documents of this type to be edited by Users.
- Go to Profile Management and add Documents Modify to the desired profile. The ability to modify can be added to any profile type document: Client, User, Private, Public, Notes, etc.
PDF documents can be opened and viewed from within PIMSY instead of downloading and opening in an application on your computer.
Audits & Surveys:
The Audits Tab is for internal auditing. This area is setup through the Q&A section of the Pick Lists according to the needs of each individual agency. This is a device to enable specific audit forms to be attached to an administrative portion of the client’s chart that is not included in the Designated Record Set. Surveys are often used in Octane based testing. These tabs can be available on the Portal for clients to complete.
Status Log:
The Status Log records activations and inactivations for that particular client record. Each time a record is made inactive, it represents a termination or a discharge from service. Columns include:
- Activation Date
- Termination Date
- Reason for Termination
- Division
- Remarks
- Last Edited Date - auto completed
- Last Edited By - auto completed
Client Portal:
This tab controls the login information for a client’s portal access. More on the Client Portal is available HERE.
The Client Portal tab controls the login information for the client or Legal Guardian portal access.
Client Chart Setup
From the top menu bar, click Clients, then Client Management. This will bring up all active clients listed in your PIMSY. (We always put in AAA-Test, Alice as a client for you to practice, play around, and try out different things. You can also create test clients. It’s good to put AAA before the last name so the test clients will stay at the top of the client list).
The page that loads will be divided into two different sections. First side is the list of patients and the other side is the information on the patient that is selected (Client Details).
When the window opens, the screen is ready for a new client by default.
Once you have a clear screen you can begin entering the patient’s demographics. Below is a screen shot of some fields and tabs that are available:
Notice there are two fields named Clinician 3 and Clinician 4. Both of these can be renamed via system settings -476 and -480. These fields could be used for assigning Case Coordinators or other staff with a specific role to each client.
Another helpful field on the Client Details screen is a Date of Referral.
All three fields appear on the Client Report and can be filtered upon.
The minimum info required in order to save a new client to the system is the Name (First and Last) and Date of Birth.
Once all information is completed on the Client Detail tab click Save in the upper left corner. Then move to the next tab that applies.
Use Case:
Sue Harris is a new client at the ABC Therapeutic company and has just has her first visit with the clinician. When Sue first entered the office, there was paperwork she needed to complete in order for the PIMSY administrator to add Sue to PIMSY.
Ben, the PIMSY administrator, goes to the client area to enter all relevant information about Sue. Once the clinician has finished with Sue’s visit, he goes to the client area to create a diagnosis, treatment plan and notes for the visit. The notes must be released before the visit can be billed to the insurance company.
Once Sue is set up in the ABC system, her information will tell PIMSY how to handle things related to Sue’s account, such as demographics, notes, documents, authorizations and more.
Related Articles:
- Client Groups
- Merge Clients
- Client Portal
- Client Renewals
- eMAR
- ePrescribe
- Taking Pictures of Clients in PIMSY
- Document Management
- Messaging
- Checklist/Comments
- Wiley Treatment Plan templates
- Assessment Notes
- Progress Notes
If you cannot find what you need in this article, please contact Support (email) or call 877.334.8512 ext. 3.