This section is for setting up employee (user) information. Each User Personnel Folder holds demographic information, pay rates & payroll, surveys, documents and more. User Groups can also be created and maintained in this section. See the Tab descriptions below for more information.
Save: save the current new or changed tab
Copy: copy current user tab
New: create a new user
Delete: remove the current user
Exit: leave the user management area
eRX Register: go to prescription management
Red Leaf: user reports
Messaging:allows users to quickly send texts and emails to the client.
User Details – all demographic info for a user (employee) is documented here.
User Details Ref – Information in this tab auto-populates from the User Details tab. This tab contains the contact info for other users in the system to refer to (which protects the confidentiality of the personnel record). This tab can be assigned separately via the profiles.
Renewals - set up a User’s renewal reminders. Examples could be: CPR training, Professional License, Insurance, etc. When entering a new renewal, use the drop-down options for Renewal Type and Renewal, the Performed/Certified By is optional. Fill out the Expire On date, making sure it is Active. Add any Notes you want to show up for this renewal. Make sure you Save it before you exit. A Copy function is available to quickly add a renewal that is similar to avoid entering all the information again.
Clients - shows all the clients assigned to the user. Select a client and click View Client, to see that client’s chart.
Documents - All documents that relate to a User are stored here, including the digital signature. Examples of documents: licensure, certificates, trainings, resume, etc. See THIS article for Document Management.
Codes/Rates - contains all the bill codes that the user has permission to use or document on. Use the button at the top right, Assign Billing Codes, to assign all the billing codes via a group or select the codes individually by using the drop-down arrow. If this User/Provider requires their notes to be signed off by a supervisor prior to release, make sure the box under Requires Dual Sign Off is checked. Also check that the Provider’s personal Taxonomy number is listed. Click Save.
Codes/Rates Columns
- User Pay Rate as % - users who earn a percentage of their work.
- User Pay Rate per Unit - enter the user’s pay rate per unit they work. Example, the rates per unit are set up in the Billing area. Therapy sessions may have several units, one for 15 minutes, half hour units, or by the hour.
- User Pay Rate Flat Session – enter the user’s flat rate for each session with a client.
Payroll - This is where, if you are using PIMSY for payroll, you will set up the user information.
Q&A - This is an area for miscellaneous notes on the user; for example, track the serial number to the laptop given to the provider to use. Anything you may want to make notes on that pertain to the user would go in here. These Q&A questions are entered in the Pick List area
Groups - This tab is where you are able to assign and un-assign a user to a predefined user group. When a user is assigned to a group, they can only access the information or see the information in that group. User groups are used in various areas of PIMSY and allow you to quickly assign multiple users at one time.
Surveys - Use this tab to create exit interviews, grievance forms, and other topics that previously required paper forms. Annual reviews and weekly supervision can be mimicked here as well. These forms are set up in the Pick List area.
Sched. Preferences – any preferences a user has with scheduling appointments. The system uses military time so for 8am to 5pm enter 8:00 and 17:00.
Sched. Color – a specific color for the user’s schedule.
Security Profile – user’s security profile if there is one assigned to the user.
Supervisor – primary supervisor
Supervisor II – secondary supervisor
Supervisor III – tertiary supervisor
Default Modifier – user’s default modifier
Supervision – how often the user is supervised
Default – user’s default location.
- Click Administration > User Management > User Personnel Folder
- A screen appears, ready for a new user.
Enter all the demographics about the user including any license numbers, their login information and employment information. If the user is a prescriber and you use the digital Rx module, select the eRX Register button on the top right corner of the screen.
The highlighted areas above are the minimum areas needed. Each office can add as little or as much information as needed. The password can be something easy like their first name, just be sure to check the box beside Change Pwd Next Login so the user can change it to what they want the first time they log in. Remember to click Save.
Use Case:
ABC Therapeutic Group has hired a new employee to provide case management. A Human Resource employee, Kelly, has been given the job function of setting up new employees in PIMSY. Kelly navigates to the User Personnel folders and begins entering the demographic info for the new employee. Kelly creates a login and assigns the appropriate case management profile to the new record. She adds the applicable renewals, billing codes, rates, and payroll information. Kelly asks the new employee to sign a blank sheet of paper, with credentials, and then she uploads an image file of the signature into the Digital Signature thread in the employee’s Documents Tab.
Once all applicable information has been added and saved to the new personnel folder, the new case manager for ABC Group is ready to login and begin learning and using PIMSY.
Related Articles:
- Profile Management (article)
- User Management (video)
- Digital RX
- Digital RX w/ ePad
- Messaging
If you cannot find what you need in this article, please contact Support (email) or call 877.334.8512 ext. 3.