It is sometimes helpful to associate a particular color with an item on the My Sal Calendar so it is easy to distinguish different items, places or users.
Tabs & Instructions:
There are five areas available to color code the calendar:
- Billing Codes
- User
- Location
- Room
- Status
System Setting (-287) CALENDAR Set Appointment Colors
In the Your Value section, indicate one of the following options: BILLINGCODE, USER, LOCATION, ROOM, or STATUS.
*You can’t set the color for more than one option. PIMSY will only allow for A, B, C or D to be selected*
A) BILLINGCODES - go to Billing Codes under the Financial menu. Each billing code has a column labeled Color. Select the color you wish to show up on the calendar for each code. We recommend bulking the colors together (example: assessments one color, therapy another, etc).
B) USER – from the user personnel folder, beside the Preferences button, there is a drop-down box to select the color you want for the user's calendar appointments. This will be the color that will appear on the calendar for that user.
C) LOCATION – from the Organization Management screen, select the Location tab where there is a drop-down for Color. If you select this option, when you make an appointment for this location, this will be the color that shows up on the calendar.
D) ROOM – within the Locations tab, if rooms have been added to the locations, you can select to add a color to a room. If an appointment is scheduled by a room, that color will then show up on the calendar.
E) STATUS - go to Pick List Management and select the Status tab. For the category Appointment (see drop-down box), click in the Status Color field to select a color for that appointment status. Example: select Late in the Name column and select a color in the Status Color column. Only Appointment status can have an assigned color.
Use Case:
At the ABC Therapeutic company, Jim, the PIMSY administrator, has been asked by the clinicians to color code the calendar so it is easier for them to distinguish quickly at a glance what type of appointment they have scheduled. Jim uses the Color Coding feature by billing code to assign each code type a specific color. When the clinicians view their calendar, all blue appointments are Assessments, green appointments are Group, and pink are Outpatient Therapy. If they have a purple appointment, that represents Clinical Supervision.
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