The My Sal Calendar is where you can create/manage appointments, take payments, set up recurring appointments, create/manage notes and more.
My SAL is simply a list view of the appointments in the My SAL Calendar.
PIMSY will save your view preferences when you check the boxes for Show Weekend or Hide Cancellations.
There is also a Calendar Report button for viewing or printing reports.
The User Columns checkbox is for viewing appointments for User Groups. Select the Filter by User Group dropdown box at the top and select the desired group. Then check User Columns.
New Appointment Fields:
Start time: the time the appointment begins
User Name: the user who the appointment is scheduled with
End time: the time the appointment ends
User Group: attach a User Group to an appointment rather than a single user (example: all staff meeting)
Duration: auto populates according to the start and end time
All day event: use this if the appointment will last all day
Status: you can change the status of the appointment: for example, scheduled, cancelled, etc.
Client Name: the name of the client for whom the appointment is scheduled
Client Group: attach a Client Group to an appointment rather than a single client (example: group therapy)
Billing Code: the billing code for this appointment
Division: if your practice uses divisions, select one here
Location: if your practice uses locations, select one here
Room: if your practice uses rooms, select one here
SAL #: auto populates an identifying number of this appointment
Note #: auto populates once the note has been started
Client #: auto populates upon initial save of the appointment if a client has been attached
Group Note #: auto populates once the group note is started
Check Availability: check whether this day/time is available for the appointment
Note: start a note for this appointment
Group Note: start a group note for this appointment
Copy Note: copy a note (not always available for everyone)
Client: open the client’s chart
Take Payments: take a payment for this appointment
Statement: generate and print statement
eMAR: go to medication administration
Background: set a background color for the appointment
Messaging: allows users to quickly send texts and emails to the client.
Envelope: quickly send a message to the client via the PIMSY Portal.
Recurrence: set up a recurring appointment
Red Leaf: reports
Docs: document management
When you right click over a scheduled appointment on the My Sal Calendar or the Dashboard, there is a menu that pops up with shortcuts to several options, including Delete this SAL Appointment.
What do the Icons mean at the bottom of the calendar box? Your calendar will only have the icons that are enabled for your PIMSY.
Shows the appointment has been synced with Google
There are Reminders regarding this client that need to be reviewed
The client has a co-pay set up so you know to take a payment
This client did not show up for their last appointment
This appointment is re-occurring
This client has an open request
There are renewals due for this client
The client has active check list items to be addressed
Schedule a Telehealth session
From the PIMSY home page, click on the My SAL Calendar button to access the calendar.
Within the calendar, select the date and time of the appointment, right-click and select NEW SAL.
Next, select the client you are scheduling and the billing code. The duration will auto-populate according to the start and end time.
If your agency is using Divisions, Locations, or Rooms apply those here.
If this appointment is for a different user, select that user from the User Name drop-down. Click Save.
If the appointment you are creating is a duplicate for a client, PIMSY will let you know:
Printing Schedules
To print a schedule for a user's appointments: go to the My Sal Calendar and Filter by User (select ***NA*** to view all).
For example, select all users for a view of appointments the next day. Change to half hour intervals and Exit.
Go to Reports > Service Activity Log (Multiple Users) and filter for the desired user and for the service date (next day). Click OK.
Click the Export button to save the selected calendar appointments in a MS Excel spreadsheet. Click Yes. Now you can print the user’s schedule from MS Excel.
Select a Pattern and Range, Save.
Use Case:
Lyle Carter is a client at the ABC Therapeutic Group and weekly visits have been determined to be necessary for his care. Maureen, the office scheduler, goes to the My Sal Calendar to enter the first visit that will be repeated weekly on Thursdays at 11:00 a.m.
Maureen completes all relevant fields and then clicks on the Recurrence button and selects Weekly as the Recurrence Pattern and chooses an End By date.
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