There are many items in the Pick List area which makes this section look overwhelming. Handle it one at a time and you will have your system set up the way it needs to work for your practice. You won't likely edit every item, but they are all available in case you need them for your company.
Here is a snapshot of what the screen looks like when you first open the PickList. Each section has information that you will need to review or complete.
VERY IMPORTANT: You must click Save on each topic if there is a change made on that topic page. Save is typically on the upper left side of the open window.
When you make changes to the PickList, you also need to go to the Utilities menu and click Refresh Pick Lists to see your changes in the system.
Topic List
The PickList main topics are described here:
All – opens a list of all PickList items
Client Demographics – contains information about each client, such as gender, age, ethnicity, etc.
Client Misc. – covers topics such as diagnosis, substances, treatment plans, etc.
People/Contact/Addresses – more information on your clients, such as country, states and address, contact types and more.
Billing – settings for codes, modifiers, payment methods, etc.
Other – several topics not covered in the above categories.
Review every item in Pick List Management. Some tabs will need additional input that is specific to your company. Other tabs are pre-populated. It is good to go ahead and familiarize yourself with the format and available options.
Go to Other > Document Types.
The rows that are yellow cannot be edited.
To add a document type, go to the bottom blank line and fill in the Name, optional Description and check the box Active if you want this new type available in all new client charts.
The DocumentTypeID will be added automatically upon SAVE.
Scroll over to the right and complete applicable columns. Go to Renewal Sub Type, Client Check List and Division PickList topics to edit the dropdowns.
Show in Portal – check this if your company is using the feature.
If Word Doc Allow Editing – check this if the document is an editable MS WORD document.
Be sure to SAVE after every change to a PickList item before you move to another topic.
Remember, if you need to further edit items in the PickList, your PIMSY Administrator can go back anytime to make changes in the system settings.
If you cannot find what you need in this article, please contact Support (email) or call 877.334.8512 ext. 3.